Last week for Pentecost, I talked about the "sacramental state" for our 4 parishes. Totals were: Baptisms 39 (including adults); First Communions 59; Confirmations 56; and Weddings 20. These are total numbers that years ago might have been numbers for one of our parishes alone. I see two points here:
The first is that we have clear indications as to why we need to come together. Fewer sacraments mean there are fewer families, which mean fewer everything, which affects the health and vitality of parish life.
The other point, a positive spin on these numbers, was that it's wonderful we even have this many, in light of the Grand Jury Report and accompanying scandal and the tensions and anxieties about the "On Mission" changes. Your faith and fidelity to the church is a powerful witness and I want to thank you. Jesus continues to guide, bless and grow the church. You are examples of that. Be strong in your faith no matter what. We are in difficult times in our Church; this is true. It's been true in our past as well and somehow, Jesus guides us back into the path to holiness.
Someone made a suggestion, and a very good one, that I explain the maintenance team concept again. Although salaries are being paid by individual parishes, the maintenance workers are all going to work as a team. Some things need attention every week, some things are routine maintenance and there are always emergencies. Under the leadership of Bruce Whipple, the team will design a schedule where the buildings will be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.
John Markulin, of Saints Peter and Paul, has resigned, so Larry Belczyk will move into his duties. This means we will be looking for a custodial person for the school. Many things in a school must be attended daily. We're not sure yet about the details of that job. Our other workers are Matthew Dorenkott and Keith Jenkins. If you see something that you think needs attention, leave a message for Bruce at any of the parish offices.
Thanks to John Markulin for his many years of service to Saints Peter and Paul Parish.